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Things to do in La Paz- Bolivia

The first thing to do in La Pas Bolivia is get an amazing view of the city.

  • The elevation of La Paz is almost 12,000 feet! That's like way high up.

La Paz has a heck of a lot of cable cars, which can get you some awesome views of the city. The second thing to do in La Paz is what you're supposed to do when you visit anywhere: cathedrals, go visit them. You heard that La Paz has no nightlife? Well that's super wrong. La Paz Bolivia has a great nightlife. The last thing you need to do when you visit La Paz is check out Inca suff. La Paz (translated to The Paz) was built on an Inca city! So yes, there are a lot of fun things to do in La Paz Bolivia.

la paz bolivia

Is La Paz Bolivia worth visiting?

Yes, La Paz Bolivia is worth visiting if you like cool interesting cities with a lot of stuff to do.

  1. Get a nice view of La Paz on an elevated street

  2. Ride some La Paz cable cars for even better views

  3. Go see all of the cool cathedrals in La Paz

  4. Party it up with the great nightlife in La Paz

  5. Inca sites!

Is La Paz Bolivia Safe?

Laz Paz is somewhat safe, just like most South American cities. Just keep your head on a swivel. And don't try to find that one bar that moves locations.

Fun Things to do in La Paz: Get a Nice View

In La Paz your dollar goes far, but it can go even farther if you do stuff that is free. Go and get a FREE view of the city by going up the west side or east side of the city. Check out the view at the west end of C. Cupilupaca!

La Paz Bolivia

Fun Things to do in La Paz: Cable Cars

La Paz has a whole bunch of cable cars, go ride them and check out the city. Usually, a La Paz cable car ticket costs less than a cerveza!

Fun Things to do in La Paz: Cathedral!

Taking an Instagram break and looking up for a couple seconds at cool cathedrals is always fun. La Paz Bolivia has a bunch of beautiful cathedrals, so here's six of them:

  • Catedral Basilica Menor de Nuestra Senora de la Paz

  • Iglesia de San Pedro

  • Iglesia La Recolecta

  • Iglesia San Miguel Arcángel

  • Iglesia de San Agustin

  • Ekklesia

Visiting the inside of La Paz cathedrals probably costs money, so we recommend saving that cerveza money and checking out the great night life in La Paz. There's probably pics of the insides of the cathedrals on Instagram, so check them out while you're at the bar!

Fun Things to do in La Paz: Nightlife

If you are going to do anything in La Paz, it's got to be drinking at bars and restaurants. One Bolivian drink costs around 15 Bolivian Boliviano, that's around $2.50 USD. So you can get your La Paz drink on for cheap. Where are the best bars? I don't know, just walk around and you'll see them. Bars generally look the same everywhere, you'll see them. When your hangover clears next morning, you can check out the Inca artifacts.

La Paz Secret Bar

You know the one. Maybe don't go there, stick with a nice and legal cerveza.

La Paz Inca Culture

Go visit the lost city of Tiwanaku. It's not an Inca city. However, the people of Tiwanaku probably did interact with the Inca civilization. What's cool about Tiwanaku is that it's one of the biggest archaeological sites in South America. There is more than just boring rubble at Tiwanaku, there is actually a lot of impressive intact structures. Tiwanaku is about 1hr 30min west of La Paz. If you want to know how to book a tour, your La Paz hotel will have information. Or hunt for a better deal on a tour via street vendors.


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