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Lukla Airport Nepal- Most Dangerous Airport in the World

Lukla Airport is usually the airport tourists use for flying into Namche Bazaar. And yes, it is the worlds most dangerous airport.

  • Why is Tenzing-Hillary Airport (Lukla) so dangerous?

Short answer, short runway. The Lukla Airport runway is only 1,729 ft. With a runway that short, a lot can go wrong and only very skilled piolets can maneuver that stubby landing strip. However, with such a dangerously small runway, there has not been a lot of airplane crashes.

How Many Planes Crashed in Lukla Airport?

Around 11

  1. 1973- Royal Nepal Airlines had a crash landing with no deaths.

  2. 1991- Nepal Airlines crashed at Lukla due to bad weather. No deaths.

  3. 1992- Royal Air Nepal plane crashed at take-off with no deaths.

  4. 2004- Yeti Airlines plane crashed into a hill near Lukla Airport. All three on board died.

  5. 2004- This was not a good year for Lukla Airport. Sita Air flight crashed on take-off with no deaths.

  6. 2005- Gorkha Airlines flight crashed when landing with no deaths.

  7. 2008- Yeti Airlines flight 103 crashed into a rockface near the Lukla landing strip killing 18 out of 19 people.

  8. 2010- Sita Air flight crash landed with no death.

  9. 2013- Helicopters also crash at Lukla Airport. In 2013, an Air Dynasty helicopter had its blade touch a wall and crash with no death.

  10. 2017- Summit Air Flight 409 crashed approaching the runway. Two of the three on board died.

  11. 2019- Summit Air flight crashed on take-off due to coming into contact with a helicopter. Three died.

Why is Lukla Airport Famous?

Lukla Airport is famous for being the worlds most dangerous airport. This is due to a short runway, poor visibility, thin air, and lots of a rocky terrain.

Is Lukla Airport the Highest in the World?

No, Lukla Airport is not the highest in the world, not even close. Many think that Lukla Airport is the highest just because it is in the Himalayas. However, the world's highest airport is not far: Tibet. The Tibetan airport, Daocheng Yading Airport, is almost 14,500 feet above sea level. Lukla Airport is only 9337 feet above sea level, so not even close to being the highest.

Can you see Everest from Lukla Airport?

Short answer yes, long answer no with a "but." You can see Mt Everest from Lukla, however it will be rare. All the weather conditions have to be perfect. So, a view of Everest will happen a few times a year.

Can a Jet Land in Lukla?

No, a jet cannot land in Lukla Airport. The airport's runway is too short.

What type of planes fly to Lukla?

The types of planes that fly to Lukla Airport are smaller propeller planes.

How far is Lukla from Everest Base Camp?

Lukla is around 62 kilometers from Mt Everest Base Camp, or around 565 football fields.


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