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What to Do in Durbar Square- Kathmandu Nepal

There are actually a lot of Durbar Squares in Nepal. Durbar Square is a local term to describe an urban square near an old Nepalese royal building.

  • At one time way back, Nepal had a bunch of little kingdoms with a lot of them having little Durbar Squares.

If you find yourself in Nepal, you'll probably wind up in Kathmandu. If you are in Kathmandu, the closest Durbar Square is right in the city.

Durbar Square

Durbar Square Kathmandu is a World Heritage Site, so the first thing to do is walk around and check the square out.

  • Kathmandu's Durban Square is not that big, so it will be easy to walk around.

If you know your buildings, you'll have seen temples and a palace. A great thing to do in Durbar Square is check out the temples and defiantly check out the royal palace. That's about it, Durbar Square is small. If you got time, you can try avoiding the pigeons and check out the markets.

Kathmandu Durban Square Attractions

  1. Walk around the World Heritage Site

  2. Check out the temples

  3. Visit Old Kathmandu's royal palace

  4. Pigeons, lots and lots of pigeons

  5. Spend some NPR at the local Durbar Square markets

How do I Get to Durbar Square Kathmandu?

Durbar Square is right in the city of Kathmandu. So, if you are staying in Katmandu, it should be an easy walk from your accommodations.

Kathmandu Durbar Square: World Heritage Site Walk

UNESCO thought Kathmandu's Durbar Square was so cool they made it a World Heritage Sites. Walk around and check out the buildings that made this square cool.

Durban Square Temples

Check out the Durban Square temples:

Shiva Parvati Temple

As the name suggests, Shiva Parvati is a temple dedicated to Shiva and Parvati. You probably know Shiva as the Hindu god with all the arms. Parvati is his loving wife.

You can actually walk around Shiva Parvati and check out all the handy work and statues.

Maju Dega Temple

Maju Dega is another temple built for Shiva. It has pyramid style steps you can walk up.

Taleju Temple

Now, Taleju Temple is not dedicated to Shiva but to a figure you never heard of, the Hindu goddess Taleju Bhawani.

Vishnu Temple

As the name suggests, again, Vishnu Temple is dedicated to Vishnu. The other Hindu god with multiple arms.

Indrapur Temple

Indrapur is one of the best temples to check out because its history is unknown. The temple seems to be built in blasphemy, dedicating parts of it to different conflicting gods.

Durban Square Markets

There are a bunch of cool tourist shops in Durban Square, including clothing stores that make their own merchandise.

Mountaineering gear in Durbar Square is great because you can find a lot of it made locally. You can also find a lot of knockoff merchandise of well known outdoor gear and clothing in Durbar Square. What is ironic, is that Durbar Square quality is high, it can be even better than the brand names. We suggest that you avoid buying the knockoff gear and getting local non-branded gear.

Kathmandu Durban Square: Old Palace (Hanuman Dhoka)

The Old Palace of Hanuman Dhoka is a must see. It is not just one building, but a whole bunch of cool looking building all making up the palace complex.

Durban Square: Pigeons

Watch out for the Durban Square pigeons. If you end up in Durban Square Kathmandu, you will see more pigeons than you have even seen in your life.


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