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Deboche- Nepal

Deboche Nepal is a little village on the trail to Everest Basecamp. The village of Deboche is not as small as you think, it consists of nearly over six buildings and two businesses.


Where is Deboche?

Deboche is located on the trail to Mt Everest Base Camp kind of between Hotel Everest and Dingboche.

What to do in Deboche?

  1. Spend a few minutes walking around every road in the town.

  2. Get a room at one of the two lodges.

  3. Eat and drink at both restaurants.

It might be a short walk, but you should circumnavigate the town of Deboche. It's not everyday you get to see a village. If you are in Deboche, might as well sleep. You can get a room in one of the lodges. There's also a restaurant, maybe two.


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